Buenas a tod@s!!

Hoy un poco de historia:

The Irish Potato Famine


In the 1800s Ireland was occupied by England.  There were a lot of rich English landlords who owned most of the land.  Many of them did not live in Ireland.  The majority of the Irish people were very poor.  They lived in small huts.  The main food was potatoes which they grew on small plots of land.  Potatoes were cheap and plentifufamine-memoriall.

Between 1845 and 1850 the potato had a disease called blight.  The potatoes turned black and soft.  This led to a famine in Ireland. There was other food in the country but it was not given to the people, it was exported to England.  About two millions people died.

Another two million more emigrated to other countries around the world.  The ships they traveled on were called “coffin ships” because so many people died of diseases on them.


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